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Welcome to our website! Here you will find information about our Civil War Re-enacting Unit dedicated to the preservation education of the lives of Civil War Artillery Soldiers. We also focus our education in the schools with the perspective: Minnesota in the

Civil War.


Formed in 1996 by men who wished to re-create, honor and perpetuate the memory of the original Battery I, 1st US Artillery through education, living history and


List of Current Events!

A Poem, "A Gunners Reply;"

A rebel sniper in a tree, up and took a shot at me.  I heard the ball go hissing by, A puff of smoke betrayed his lie.
It bothered me that he should trifle with me, my crew and our Parrott Rifle. 
Come on Johnny, try again.. Load Shell… Range One thousand Ten. 
A rebel sniper in a tree, up and took a shot at me.
Cartridge brought to lips to tear it..
Say hello to Mr. Parrott.

-Author Anonymous

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